In this charity he and his volunteers go to the slums and the poor and work with their kids. Lots of underprivileged children in India do not get to live their childhood the way it is intended by the universe. They are forced into child labor sadly sometimes because of their circumstances and sometimes by their own parents. Sad, However true. Through his project "The Van" he would like to ensure they get to live their childhood. "The Van" goes to a designated slum every weekend and the volunteers read fairy tales and children stories to these children. Nothing fancy simply making sure they enjoy their childhood at least for 2 days and someone reads them stories and they color some pictures and have fun. “Feel free to support. If not send your prayers and blessings” he says. Some of his practices are:- *Wicca *Vodun *Hoodoo *Reiki *Lama Fera * Vilot Flame *Tarot *Vaastu *Past life regression *Medium-ship readings *Pendulum readings *Angelic Attunements *Angel Healing *Rune readings *All forms of spell castings *Aura healing *Chakra Balancing He is Dr. Rev. Anujjj Elviis. Founder – The Earth Temple. Founder – Indian Traditional Wicca. Founder- Indian House of Vodun. He is a Vodun Houngan and a Wiccan teacher. An eclectic practitioner of the craft. He blends Wicca with a lot of other things. An Eclectic is a person who practices any form of Eclectic spirituality. He is someone who incorporates elements from various other religions and spiritual paths into his own personal spiritual practice. To be an Eclectic it is important to see the good in all religions and to respect all faiths. Wicca to him is fertility and a nature-oriented Earth based religion that honors the Divine in all aspects of life and nature. He gives a lot of importance to prayers, energy work, meditation and divination. Magik is the Divine working through you to bring about change in the world says Rev.H.P. Anujjj Elviis. He has explored his own ways, methods and techniques towards the path of self realization. He is Spiritualist, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Medium and a Healer.